Africa - Ghana

How Wisdom Got Out

A story from Ghana in West Africa about Anansi. He sometimes takes the shape of a spider, and sometimes of a man. In this story, he is in human form.

Duration: 00:04:45

Author - Storynory

How Anansi Brought Stories to the World

Bold, tricky, and often extremely selfish, Anansi is sometimes a spider and sometimes a man. It's hard to say why he changes form, but his character remains the same. He comes from Ghana in West Africa and has traveled as far as the Caribbean. You will enjoy hearing how he tricks animals, people, and even gods.

Duration: 00:09:45

Author - Storynory

Anansi Meets Father Thunder

Now, how Anansi met Father Thunder. As you may know by now, Anansi comes from Ghana in West Africa, and sometimes he is a tricky spider, and sometimes he is human.

Duration: 00:09:52

Author - Storynory

How Anansi Brought Wild Animals to the World

Anansi, the antihero of West African folklore, refuses to follow instructions.

Duration: 00:10:27

Author - Storynory


Beautiful Africa - Egypt (4+)


Timeless stories (5+)