Funky animals

The Tiger Who Had No Manners

A crafty old mountain tiger in Korea is caught in a trap.  He is rescued by a Buddhist monk. How does he show his gratitude? 

Duration: 00:09:50

The Goblin Spider

A creepy-crawly story from Japan about a Samurai who must stay the night in a temple haunted by a giant Goblin-Spider.

Duration: 00:05:55

The Crow and his Friends

A tale from ancient India in which a crow makes friends with three animals who are very different from himself and together they fend off dangers. 

Duration: 00:20:09

The Evil Mouse

An old French story about an evil mouse who orders a young girl to play with fire.

Duration: 00:20:00

The Three Dogs

A boy sets out with three loyal dogs and they slay a dragon on their way. Watch out for twists and turns in the story!

Duration: 00:13:55

The Leap Frog

Hans Christian Andersen's short but perfect tale about three animals that have pretentions to marry a princess and 'leap" above their stations in life.

Duration: 00:06:31

The Golden Goose

An amusing tale about a boy whose parents called him "Dummy" - but he can't have been that much of a dummy because he found a golden goose and made the grandest people of the town look like fools.

Duration: 00:14:56


Witches are cool (4+)


Beautiful Africa - Zanzibar (4+)