All about germs

Understanding coronavirus and how germs spread

It’s impossible to miss the news about coronavirus, but you probably still have lots of questions. What exactly is it? How does it spread? Can I protect myself? In this episode we’ll breakdown what we know about this new virus and tell you how to stay safe.

For the most up-to-date information, please head to trusted sources like the World Health Organization.

Duration: 00:34:12 - Brains on

Coronavirus For Kids, And The Science Of Soap

As COVID-19 spreads across the globe, the World Health Organization has declared the novel coronavirus a pandemic. We’re answering questions about the virus with infectious disease doctor Krutika Kuppalli, who studies global pandemics. And chemistry professor Palli Thordarson, from the University of New South Wales on the science of why washing your hands with plain old soap and water is so effective against germs.

Duration: 00:30:00 - VPR “But Why”

Answering Kids’ Coronavirus Questions

Coronavirus is probably affecting your life right now, and it can seem scary and complicated to understand. Did coronavirus really originate from bats, because that’s what I heard? If so, how did it happen? How did coronavirus get its name? How does coronavirus travel to different people? Why does coronavirus seem more dangerous for the elderly than it is for kids? Can I still hug and kiss my grandma? Can my pet get coronavirus? What will it take to end the outbreak? How can science help?

Duration:00:19:50 - Science Podcast for Kids

Flu Vaccines

The flu shot changes every year. But why is the flu special, if other illnesses have much longer-lasting vaccines? This episode takes us into the world of viruses and immunity.

A friendly lymphocyte fills us in on how flu shots work, and science journalist Anna Rothschild shares how vaccines started around the world.

Duration: 00:32:06 - Brains on

How do you catch a cold?

We’ve been catching colds for millennia, but did you know it wasn’t until fairly recently that we actually understood how and why we sneeze, cough, and ache? In this episode, we find out more about the common cold: does standing outside in the cold make it more likely to get sick? Is there a cure that really works? Could there be a benefit to catching the rhinovirus? Listen for all the answers and the mystery sound!

Duration: 00:23:31 - Brains on


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