Hello creators

Each Friday, we will share a podcasting activity for kids to have fun with. They have 60 seconds to record. Please click on the record button below to record and submit your creation. We will feature a sample of what we received on this page!



Record here and submit your audio before 19th August 2021

Observation is key for storytelling!

Beginner: Find a picture or a photo and describe what you see!

Intermediate: Find yourself a spot outdoor in a park, cafe, playground, or in a room, and immerse yourself in that moment. Record everything that you notice see, hear, taste, touch, smell, feel.

Advanced: Describe any thought, sensation or mood that you experience.


  • What can you see? A long room with sofas and a table, a clutter of sheets on the table, an old coffee stain on the sofa

  • What can you hear? The washing machine tumbling downstairs, the buzz of a trapped fly hitting the window

  • What can you taste? The remaining mintiness of the gum I was chewing before

  • What can you feel? The cold chill from the AC, the softness of the sofa on my legs, a tickle in my nose from my dog allergies

  • What can you smell? Waffles being made downstairs, dog fur

  • What is your emotion? Why? Peaceful, normal, thoughtful from sitting still and observing

† I consent to my audio submission being modified and published publicly on STORYSKIMO. I will receive STORYSKIMO's challenges and newsletter updates, from which I can always unsubscribe. We do not sell your data and respect your privacy. See privacy policy and t&cs for more details.

Previous weeks


Record here and submit your audio before 23rd July 2021

Beginner: Put your reporter hat on, and interview your mom, dad or someone you’d like to hear about! Questions like “what’s your job?” “How were you at my age?” “Tell me about your school and friends when you were little.” are great starters

Intermediate: Listen carefully to the answers to your questions and try find out more by asking…. Why? Where? When? How? What? Who?

Advanced: Include an intro and conclusion. How can this conversation be most interesting for your audience? Can you share what you’ve learned, realised, understood, and what’s the conclusion for your audience? Think about the “So What?” for them.


Record here and submit your audio before 16th July 2021

Beginner: Pick a story you know and imagine a different ending!

Intermediate: Make up a story with a genie🧞‍♀️, a gorilla 🦧 and an apple🍏 or find another combination!

Advance: First, imagine what could make an interesting character and setting, Don’t forgot descriptions and details, as well as using different tone in your voice. Then, you can try follow this structure:

  1. The start

  2. The conflict

  3. The turning point

  4. The resolution

  5. The end


Record here and submit your audio below before 9th July 2021

Beginner: Read your favourite book aloud!

Intermediate: Read but make different voices for different characters 😉

Advanced: Act – add feelings and passion in what you read!